Thursday, February 24, 2011

Climb Up in My Tractor

As someone that struggles with infertility, I sometimes get some not-so-nice comments from well intentioned friends. I understand that they mean well. Sometimes it just leaves me frustrated because they don't truly understand my DAILY struggle (I hope I don't offend anyone by the way). Ultimately unless they have been through infertility, they can't. It got me thinking back on the times that I may have said something to some one with good intentions, but I was left with that "I think I just stuck my foot in my mouth" feeling. What do you say to someone that is dealing with something that you have never dealt with? There is no easy way to answer that because nothing that you say can take away their pain. I'm currently reading the book "When Empty Arms leave Heavy Burdens" by Sandra Glahn and William Cutrer and it talks about a farmer that gets his tractor stuck in the mud. He tries everything to try to get this tractor out of the mud but fails at every attempt. Finally he gives up and just sits in his tractor. His friend comes along and sees that his tractor is stuck. There are so many things that his friend could have done. He could have tried to fix it for him or told him how to handle it, but instead he climbed up in the tractor and sat there with him. Sometimes as we deal with all of the many things that life throws at us, we need someone to climb up in our tractors and sit there : )



allyson said...

very well said girl! i read your post before this one and I've been praying for you and for God to give you a sense of peace.

i started a new blog...
you should follow me if you like to cook and like new recipes...might keep your mind off things atleast for a few hours while cooking :)

Stephanie said...

I am in your tractor my sweet sister! God is going to bless you soon!